Development of Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Palliative Care in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease Mukdahan Hospital.


  • ภัทรศร นพฤทธิ์
  • อารมย์ พรหมดี


Objective : To study and develop patients with chronic renal disease at an End Stage Renal Disease  Mukdahan  Hospital.

 Methods : The study population consisted of 2 doctors, 8 nurses, and 30 patients with chronic renal disease ,30 primary caregivers, 30 operational nurses in the medical ward Mukdahan Hospital. During the month of June - November 2019. By using the evidence model in  nursing Soukup,2000. The research process is divided into 4 phases, which the situation, search for evidence develop guidelines and try out With target audience And evaluate the outcomes of nursing practice guidelines for end-stage renal disease patients. Analyze qualitative data by grouping content. Quantitative data by using frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation Post-development results using the Dependen t-test.    

Results : Development of nursing practice guidelines for end-stage renal disease patients The palliative form developed at Mukdahan Hospital has 4 steps were 1 steps , Situation study phase there is still no clear and palliative nursing practice guidelines for end-stage renal disease patients. 2 steps, Evidence-based investigation phase, development of practices and trials. 3 steps, The development phase of          nursing practice guidelines for end-stage renal failure patients, consisting of 8 activities: 1) Assess patients with end stage renal disease. 2) Assess the family of patients with terminal kidney disease. 3) Report bad news. 4) Plan treatment beforehand. 5) Care on patients and      participation in decision-making 6) Caring for patients with chronic kidney disease theend of lives. 7) Take care after the death. 8) Assess the outcomes of caring for end-stage chronic kidney disease patients and their families. 4 steps, The results evaluation period after using the guideline was 91.53 %. Nurses Agree on implementation guidelines High level (x̄ = 4.32 S.D. = 0.30). The patients, was found  that patients  with POS scores were significantly reduced 

Conclusion : This developed guideline can be implemented with clearer end stage   renal disease patients.

Keywords : Clinical  Nursing Practice Guideline, End Stage Renal Disease , Palliative Care  


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How to Cite

นพฤทธิ์ ภ., & พรหมดี อ. (2020). Development of Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Palliative Care in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease Mukdahan Hospital. Mahasarakham Hospital Journal, 16(3), 96–108. Retrieved from