The use of social networking websites integrated the Schoology platform into classroom techniques: a case study of computer for working subject of pharmacy technical students in Sirindhorn College of Public Health Khon Kaen


  • ศิริ วัฒนธีรางกูร Director, Sirindhorn College of Public Health KhonKaen
  • อมร วัฒนธีรางกูร Lecturer,Senior Professional Level ,Sirindhorn College of Public Health Khon Kaen Province
  • สุพัฒน์ จำปาหวาย Registered Nursing,Senior Professional Level, Sirindhorn College of Public Health Khon Kaen Province


social network for education, Schoology, learning outcome, opinion


         The 21st century  students was growing up within  the information technology (IT), to enhance the student engaging learning are concerned with integrating  technology into classroom . The aims of this study were to investigate the results of applying Schoology platform into classroom, which was issues on 1) to compare learning outcome between before and after the utilization of social networking websites Schoology and 2) to study students’ opinion on the utilization of social networking websites Schoology. The students were the 44 first year pharmacy technical students who enrolled in Computer for working subject in academic year 2016. The data collecting tools were 1) learning outcome test, and 2) opinion on the utilization of Schoology questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and Paired t-test were used to analyze data.  

         The results showed that average learning outcome of the students before the utilization of social networking websites  Schoology was 18.93 (SD 3.58), whereas the average learning outcome of the students after the utilization of social networking websites Schoology was 28.27 (SD 1.90). The assumption test indicated that the learning outcome after the utilization of social networking websites Schoology was significantly higher than before using Schoology at p-value <0.001. The student totally agreed with the integration of social networking websites Schoology into classroom learning with the score of 4.58 (SD 0.54). In conclusion, the social networking websites Schoology could arouse interest and create satisfaction in teaching-learning process among the students, thus there was positive impact on students’ learning outcome.



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บทความวิจัย (Research article)