The Relationship Between Self-Practice, Understanding, and Satisfaction in the Academic Advising System of Nursing Students at Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nakhonratchasima


  • กชกร ฉายากุล


Self-practice, Understanding, Satisfaction, Academic Advising, Nursing Students


            This research aimed to study the relationship between self-practice, understanding and satisfaction in the academic advising system of nursing students in Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nakhonratchasima. The sample were 313 nursing students who were between 18 – 29 years old (M = 20.74, S.D. = 1.48). Females represented 92% of the study while the remaining 8% were male, all of the subjects were Buddhist.  Their GPA was between 2.07 – 3.87 (M=2.81, S.D. = .36). The instruments used in this research included 1) the self-practice according to the student’s practice of the advising system, 2) the students’ understanding of curriculum, registration and college regulation and 3) the satisfaction questionnaire of nursing students toward the academic advising system. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients for the questionnaires were .75, .80 and.95, respectively. Data were analyzed by using Peason’s product moment correlation coefficients.

            The research showed that there were significantly positive relationships (p<.01) between the self-practice according to the student’s practice of the advising system and 1) the student’s understanding of curriculum, registration and college regulation,   and 2) satisfaction of the nursing students towards the academic advising system. (r = .31 and .43 respectively). In addition, 3) there was a relationship between the student’s understanding of curriculum, registration, and college regulation and satisfaction of the nursing students towards the academic advising system. (r = .53, p<.01).


