Comparative Study Between General Anesthesia and Local Anesthesia of Groin Hernia Repair in Sisaket Hospital : A Prospective Study

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มงคล ภัทรทิวานนท์


Background/Purpose: Inguinal hernia repair is the most common elective surgical procedure in Sisaket hospital. In the past; anesthesia of choice for herniorrhahy in Sisaket hospital is general anesthesia and pain is common side effect. Painful interventions may have a serious adverse psychologic impact. The aim of this study was to compare (amount of opioid drug, first dose analgesic drug, post operative interval to discharge, time to first ambulation, operative time, return to work, age, size) between general anesthesia herniorrhaphy and local anesthesia herniorrhaphy plus intravenous anesthesia during retracts spermatic cord.
Research design: Prospective study
Method: 30 patients unilateral inguinal hernia patients in Sisaket hospital during 1 May 2004-1 November 2004, aged 18 to 92 years were placed non-randomly into 2 groups herniorrhaphy. Group I : 15 patients had given 0.5% Bupivacaine 20 ml local injection plus intravenous analgesia when retract spermatic cord. Group II : 15 patients had given general anesthesia.
Results: comparative study between group 1 and group 11; Opioid drug decreased significantly in local anesthetic herniorrhaphy (p<0.05) and shown to require shorter post operative interval to discharge. Time to first ambulation faster than group II significantly (p<0.001) and it prolonged first dose analgesic drug significantly (p<0.001). Age group, size, operative time and time to work was no significant difference between group I and group II.
Conclusion: Local anesthesia herniorrhaphy is effective and simple method of relieving postoperative pain
Keywords: Inguinal herniorrhaphy, local anesthesia, General anesthesia, postoperative pain

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How to Cite
ภัทรทิวานนท์ ม. (2019). Comparative Study Between General Anesthesia and Local Anesthesia of Groin Hernia Repair in Sisaket Hospital : A Prospective Study. วารสารการแพทย์โรงพยาบาลศรีสะเกษ สุรินทร์ บุรีรัมย์, 20(1), 15–18. สืบค้น จาก


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