The Mortality Rate of Patients with Necrotizing Fasciitis Between Three Clinical Stages at Buriram Hospital

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Jirasak Pariwattanasak


Background: Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a fatal condition which commonly occurs in patients who have some immunodeficient conditions. The incidence of disease increases in several tropical epidemic area in Thailand. Main etiology was external punctured wounds. It is frequently found in farmers as reported in this study. The patients were admitted in hospital with three clinical stages.
Objective: To compare mortality rate of patients with NF between three clinical stages.
Material and Method: A Prospective Observatory Study was conducted. The patients were categories in 3 clinical stages of NF at Buriram Hospital during January 2009 to December 2009. The Data was analyzed by using the statistics of mean, standard deviation, percentage, Chi-square and ANOVA test.
Results: There was 165 cases of NF, 49 patients were clinical stage 1 (29.70%), 31 patients were clinical stage 2 (18.78%), 85 patients were clinical stage 3 (51.52%) . The mean age were 53.51 ± 19.08, 58.06 ±12.31, 58.94 ±17.34 years respectively, The patients with underlying diseases were 49% 1 77.4%, 71.5%, length of stay were 13.04, 15.16, 17.24 days, mortality rate were 10.2%, 9.7%, 10.6% in clinical staging 1, 2, 3 respectively.
Conclusion: Patients with NF with three clinical stages were not significant different in mortality rate.
Key words: Clinical Staging, Mortality, Necrotizing fasciitis

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How to Cite
Pariwattanasak, J. (2018). The Mortality Rate of Patients with Necrotizing Fasciitis Between Three Clinical Stages at Buriram Hospital. MEDICAL JOURNAL OF SISAKET SURIN BURIRAM HOSPITALS, 25(2), 153–162. retrieved from
Original Articles


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