Hemoglobin A1C Level and Complications or Comorbidities in Type 2 Diabetes Patients at Lumduan Distric, Surin Province.

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Achara Roisri


Background: Type 2 diabetes is an important health problem in Thailand. The Ministry of Public Health has issued policies for disease screening for early detection as well as for prevention of complications. Hemoglobin A1C (HbAlC) better reflects the long-term patient’s glycemic control than does fasting plasma glucose. Patients with HbAlC values of greater than 7 % correlates with increased complications compared with those with values below 7 %. The risk of complications further increases if HbAlC level exceeds 9 %The Surin Provincial Health Office in 2012 reported that 38.4% of patients in Surin province have HbAlC levels of less than 7 %, among which 3.7% have diabetic retinopathy and 7.7% have diabetic nephropathy. This study aims to determine the glycemic control as defined by HbAlC levels of type 2 diabetic patients in Lamduan district as well as its relation with diabetic complications.
Methods: Data was retrospectively collected from our diabetes register from September 2011
to August 2014. Only patients with complete data including age, gender, HbAlC level, presence of diabetic complications as diagnosed by a physician were included in the study. Patients that died during the period were excluded. Descriptive statistics were used to represent the results. Logistic regression was used to examine the correlation between HbAlC level and diabetic complications and comorbidities.
Results: During the study period, there were 1,156 diabetic patients, among which 742 had complete data. Thirty-three percent of the cohort were male, the average age was 60.9 ± 11.3, the mean HbAlC was 7.61 ±1.89 % and 50.1% of patients had HbAlC level exceeding 7 % and 20.6% exceeding 9 % A large proportion of 82.5% had complications or comorbidities with hyperlipidemia being the most prevalent at 60.3%. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of renal, cardiovascular or retinal complications between those with HbAlC less than or exceeding 7 %
Conclusion: Diabetic patients in Lamduan district had a mean HbAlC level of 7.61 ±1.89 % with 50.1% having HbAlC level exceeding 7%. However, there was no significant difference in the prevalence of renal, cardiovascular or retinal complications between those with HbAlC less than or exceeding 7%

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How to Cite
Roisri, A. (2018). Hemoglobin A1C Level and Complications or Comorbidities in Type 2 Diabetes Patients at Lumduan Distric, Surin Province. MEDICAL JOURNAL OF SISAKET SURIN BURIRAM HOSPITALS, 30(2), 85–90. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MJSSBH/article/view/120341
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