Effectiveness of Using Risk Assessment and Application in Nursing Process for the Prevention of Early Postpartum Haemorrhage in Buriram Hospital

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Jintana Litmarg
Supawadee Luangkwan
Nonglak TaTong
Bangon Tuphimai


Background: Postpartum hemorrhage is a public health problem that causes of maternal deaths worldwide and 1 in 4 of the deaths due to postpartum hemorrhage, has been decrease steadily every year but still a major problem in the death of the postpartum in Thailand
Objective: 1) To compare the results of the use of risk assessments and the application of nursing procedures in preventing early postpartum hemorrhage between the control and experimental groups 2) To study the satisfaction of the labor room nurses on the risk assessment form and the application of nursing care in the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage of early postpartum in Buri Ram Hospital
Study design: This study is a comparative study with concurrent controls using retrospective and prospectivedata. The participants of the study were recruited through a purposive sampling
Results: 1) There is a risk assessment by applying the nursing process in Prevention of early postpartum hemorrhage 2) Mothers who were diagnosed with early postpartum hemorrhage decreased from 3.1 % to 0.9 %, but when comparing the proportion of mothers who had early postpartum hemorrhage between Control group and experimental group By using the Fisher’s exact probability test, it was found that they were not different 3) The labor room personnel are satisfied. Satisfied with the risk assessment form and the application of nursing procedures for the new postpartum hemorrhage prevention at the highest level of 4.5 (± SD 0.5).
Conclusion: From develop the use of risk assessment by applying Nursing process are beneficial to the development of the work system in the role of nurses in providing care, allowing risk finding quickly and in a timely manner, preventing and reducing the severity of postpartum hemorrhage.
Keywords: Risk assessment , Nursing process, Postpartum hemorrhage

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How to Cite
Litmarg, J. ., Luangkwan, S. ., TaTong, N. ., & Tuphimai, B. . (2020). Effectiveness of Using Risk Assessment and Application in Nursing Process for the Prevention of Early Postpartum Haemorrhage in Buriram Hospital. MEDICAL JOURNAL OF SISAKET SURIN BURIRAM HOSPITALS, 35(1), 111–124. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MJSSBH/article/view/241253
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