Role of Nurses and Families in Promotion of Breastfeeding in Adolescent Mothers

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Punnathut Bonkhunthod
Thawaree Saengngam
Rin Pimmanurak


Background: Breastfeeding has good effects on baby’s health such as reducing mortality, the occurrence of obesity, chronic disease, and infectious diseases. It also satisfies the basic needs of the baby. Breastfeeding is also beneficial to the mother. It reduces the chance of postpartum hemorrhage, breast cancer and endometrial cancer. World Health Organization recommended that the baby should be exclusively breastfed 6 months. After that, the breastmilk was given together with food by age until the age of 2 years or more. The survey results for exclusive breastfeeding rate in Thailand is still low. Although many hospitals are promoted as a baby-friendly hospital initiative and work on the ten steps to successful breastfeeding policy.
Objective: We found that breastfeeding promotion in adolescent mothers could be succeed and useful for both mothers and babies, there should be a continuity of promotion by health team and families.
Results: In this article, the roles of nurses and families were to facilitate breastfeeding among adolescent mothers by using the integrated House’s and Gibson’s concept of four steps: discovering reality, critical reflection, taking appropriate charge and maintaining effective practice through emotional, appraisal, informational, and instrumental supports.
Conclusion: Nurses play a critical role to promote successful breastfeeding.
Keywords: Adolescent mothers, Breastfeeding, Roles of nurses and families

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How to Cite
Bonkhunthod, P. ., Saengngam, T. ., & Pimmanurak, R. . (2021). Role of Nurses and Families in Promotion of Breastfeeding in Adolescent Mothers. MEDICAL JOURNAL OF SISAKET SURIN BURIRAM HOSPITALS, 36(2), 275–282. Retrieved from
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